余果 front-end关于html5中新元素section/article和div的区别,虽然有一种感觉应该用什么,但没有明确的指导。以下是html5doctor的文章中的一节,我觉得这一节非常精准地描述了三者的区别。
原文地址:http://html5doctor.com/the-section-element/ 译文地址:http://yuguo.us/weblog/div-vs-article-vs-section/ 以下是译文
- 不要用section和article作为样式化和脚本化的钩子(hook),那是div的工作
- 如果article更适合,不要使用section
- 如果在一个section里开始部分(不是之外)没有一个自然的标题,那么不要使用section
- W3C文档:
如果把一些内容能联合起来组成一个有意义的页面的时候,那么这一块内容应该是article而不是section。 博客文章和评论(包括作者和评论)组成了一个页面,那么它们应该是article而不是section。
Rules of thumb for using section
Of course, there are always exceptions, but these should give useful guidance for 99% of cases:
- Don’t use it just as hook for styling or scripting; that’s a
- Don’t use it if article, aside or nav is more appropriate
- Don’t use it unless there is naturally a heading at the start of the section
- The revised spec (as of 16 September) says:
Authors are encouraged to use the article element instead of the section element when it would make sense to syndicate the contents of the element. As blogposts and comments are often syndicated (by being pulled into other blogs or being linked via twitter, reddit etc) they should be articles.

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