余果 想法原文:http://www.impressivewebs.com/health-tips-for-web-developers/<ul> <li> 尽可能少用无线设备</li> <li>正确坐姿,定期休息</li> <li>避免快餐</li> <li>避免非处方药</li> <li>只喝水(而不是可乐、咖啡)</li> <li>补充维生素D</li></ul><h2>尽可能少用无线设备</h2> Just remember that most high-tech gadgets fall under the category of “wants”, not “needs”.
- Sitting 6+ hours per day can increase risk of death up to 40%
- People with sitting jobs have twice the rate of cardiovascular disease as people with standing jobs
- As soon as you sit, electrical activity in leg muscles shuts off, calorie burning drops considerably, and enzymes that help break down fat drop 90%
- Sitting up straight is actually bad for your back
In that case, you could probably use some vitamin D supplements. Proper vitamin D levels have been shown to have numerous health benefits, including fighting depression, cancer, and even the common cold.
Conclusion? Live Naturally and Be Physically Active

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